

This article may contain references to PCA Retirement & Benefits (RBI), which has since been renamed Geneva Benefits Group. Learn more about our name change here.

7 Things I Want You to Know about me, Ingrid Krein, God’s Poster Child

Ingrid Krein

“Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ, and you will find Him, and with Him everything else is thrown in.” C.S. Lewis

I was born in upstate New York to a dad who was a first generation German and my mom, a card-carrying member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. We lived on an old quarry and across the gravel road from a farm. We had no TV and a lot of freedom. My younger brother and I spent days outside exploring and just being kids. At the ripe old age of 10, shortly after the arrival of my younger sister, we packed up and moved to the sunny south.
I’ve been asked to share some of my favorite things. I love mangoes because they remind me of my dad.  He told a story of eating a magnificently ripe and juicy mango in the ocean while on a mission trip to St. Lucia.  The story was so vivid that every time I taste a mango, I picture my dad slurping and dripping juice into the ocean. My oldest son also enjoys mangoes.  For his graduation I gave him a nice leather backpack and stuffed it with mango nectar, chocolate covered mango and the like.

I love the theatre – especially the playwright, William Shakespeare. I started attending productions of Shakespeare in high school and have been a fan ever since. I’ve seen countless shows, each interpretation different in staging, costuming and characterization. I love the language, the humor, and the universality.   Seeing all his plays on stage is a goal in progress.

I also enjoy the silver screen. Sharing a name with Ingrid Bergman, I sought out her movies.  Casablanca is my favorite. The film won awards for a reason. The next time you watch it, look at the shadows. There is such artistry in the black and white cinematography.  And, Humphrey’s white dinner jacket—swoon!

Esther must be my favorite book of the Bible, because it tells a story of a woman’s courage while walking in obedience and accomplishing something for God in her surrender.

My favorite pastime? This one is a little harder because I have several. I love to craft and scrapbook. But I would have to say reading tops the list. I host a book club every month in my home. We’ve been meeting for 8 years and we really do read and discuss the books! The ladies in my group have become such supportive and loyal friends. We haven’t missed a month…… not even when I was weak on the couch going through chemo.  Recently they brought the book club to me at the hospital while I was attending my daughter.

It’s no secret; I love my job, really I love everything about my job at RBI, but my favorite task is delivering packages. I love seeing people’s expressions when they receive a box or padded envelope. It heals my heart a little every time. The circumstances of my life are hard, but the Lord has provided this job for me as a blessing in the middle of it. I cannot be silent about the way He has shown His love for me during these trials. I would truly like to take out a billboard to advertise His faithfulness. He has provided through His church, friends and through my new job here at RBI. I want desperately not to hurt, grieve and struggle, but if this is what it takes for God to “show off,” then I will be His poster child.

I know this opportunity is a gift from God and I desire to be a blessing in return. Thanks for your time and interest. I hope to be able to say, “Guten morgen” to you on the phone one morning!

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.